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Prospect Expediter™

Prospect Expediter
Grow your list, grow your business, grow your profit!

As an MSP, you will be more than aware of how important it is to grow your farm list, however with an ever-growing ‘to-do’ list, there’s only so much you can do. Your sales pipeline needs to grow exponentially - as you close deals with your industry prospects your list becomes smaller so you need to replace them. But as you grow (and you will grow with us) you not only want to replace them but increase the list.

This is however very time consuming but we can help! We have a proven process to ensure growth and we will take over the management of your prospects leaving you free to secure the deals and improve the bottom line.

We use your LinkedIn account (you are the face of the business) to add scrubbed and qualified prospects to your farm list and either import this into your IS or onto a spreadsheet ready to import into your CRM. We will also reach out on LinkedIn to connect with these prospects and try to set up an appointment for coffee for those who connect with you. LinkedIn is the best way to build a relationship with your list and everyone in sales knows the better the relationship, the better your response rate.

In addition to LinkedIn connections we will also join groups and associations online for you and gather their members’ information to use to grow your lists.

We have many packages to suit your requirements and budget. To discuss your options and make the first step in growing your business, call us today!


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